Meet the vacuums that clean it all — even themselves.

With Auto-Empty technology, the dirty work is done for you. Shark Cordless Vacuums automatically dispose of dirt, debris, and dust after each use so you don't have to

Shop Auto Empty
  • Charges & Empties Itself

    The Auto-empty base automatically charges and empties your vacuum while docked, so it's awlays ready to clean.

  • Locks Away Dirt

    No more dirt on your hands. No more dust clouds in your home. No more cleaning after you clean.

  • Boost Air Quality

    Fine dust and debris get sealed away after every clean, so they keep out of the air you breathe.

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“Flexstyle Convert”

I have long-ish, very thick hair and for years I didn’t style it at all, just let it air dry and occasionally wheeled out my 15yo hairdryer when I was in a hurry. I don’t enjoy styling my hair because it takes ages. Thanks to rarely using heat and not dyeing it, my hair is super healthy but looked a bit boring. I dithered over the Flexstyle for a long time because I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on something I might not use a lot, but I eventually ordered one. It’s a complete game changer. The hair dryer function is unbelievably quick. So far I’ve mainly used the oval brush and love the extra volume, which takes only a few minutes to achieve even on my thick hair. I was very excited about the curlers, but I think I need to practice a bit more. I’m left handed and found it easier to use the right curler on the left side and vice versa. Overall I’m really pleased I bought the Flexstyle and I actually enjoy doing my hair, which is not something I thought I’d ever say.



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